Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Modest Proposal: Create Limbaughland

My fellow citizens, now-a-days in general, disappoint me.

American people, (supposedly free and intelligent) voting for George Bush, especially his second term, disappoint me. I realized after the 9-11 fiasco that Americans are much more cowardly, and generally stupid, (and proud of it) as a people, than I ever imagined possible. What other country in the world would despise intellectualism? We have no health insurance and more people in prison than any other country in the world. Right now we are bankrupt, in a ridiculous war in Iraq, and people are worried about an assault weapons ban. It is all truly amazing. The set of priorities many of my fellow citizens have, astounds me.

So we have a fat, drug addict, doctor shopper, who hosts a radio show, literally running one of our major political parties. His hate spewing nonsense, it is religiously followed by millions. He loudly states he hopes our current president’s plan of recovery fails, just because his candidate didn’t get elected. This is all despite the fact the last Republican group’s ideas were clearly failures. So what is the thought behind wanting to continue an agenda that is a colossal failure at any and all costs? To crush our country beyond recognition? To ruin our way of life? Why would that be their goal? I don’t get it.

Now the e-mails are flying out, trying to dredge up memories of Jane Fonda and the Dixie Chicks, and anything else that the Neo-Con nutcases can trump up to be bad things, because let’s face it, even they can’t blame Obama for anything evil yet, except being black, and being educated and intelligent, and having a funny sounding name, all hanging offenses to the Puritans apparently. They can’t admit the Dixie Chicks were right on about being very embarrassed to have Bush as our president. They can’t admit Jane Fonda was very right about us having no business in Viet Nam. Clearly she shouldn’t have cheered the North Viet force on in battle, even though they were just protecting their country against foreign invaders. The point is we were wrong to be there. Remember the “domino theory”? Isn’t it funny no one talks about that anymore? Viet Nam had many opportunities to take over other weaker neighbors, like Cambodia, and didn’t. They just wanted to be left alone to decide their own affairs.
We are also wrong in being in Iraq, we have no business whatsoever being there and what we are doing is morally wrong, any way you look at it. It is also way too expensive unless or lives depend on the outcome, which they don’t.

It is too bad these so-called “red states” cannot secede from our union so they can support themselves with their style of economy. They could teach their idiotic brand of science to their scientists. They could constantly wage religious war over perceived threats to their “way of life”. They could let the rich not pay any taxes and they could keep on the credit card style of living they love. They could keep printing valueless money as long as other countries would take it, which wouldn’t be long. They could fail, and I mean really fail badly, all on their own instead of dragging the rest of us down with them.

So I have an idea, a modest proposal. Let the Neo-Cons have their separate country and let them run it as they will. The so called “blue states” will also have our own country. Places like Eastern Washington could glom on with Idaho and Utah and be red as hell itself. We would call the new blue country Liberalia and the red states country could be Hicksville or the New States of No Education or possibly Limbaughland.

In the new true blue country, we could spend our money on mass transit and infrastructure instead of war in Iraq. We could have national health insurance for all and fund social security fully. We could end the ridiculous “war on drugs” and tax them instead, realizing they kill no more people than booze or cigarettes, and trying to legislate morality has never worked in the history of man. We could make education of the best and brightest a priority. If churches acted as political action committees we could tax them as well. We could make truth and justice for all a motto. We could also subscribe to the saying “we have very few rich men, but even fewer poor”.

The red as hell states could continue the holy war in Iraq. They could blow their money on huge gas hog vehicles and bankrupt themselves trying to be macho and Rambo-like. They could get rid of science and teach creation. They could mix their twisted view of Christianity with the state and make prayer mandatory in schools. They could burn books and outlaw everything. They could execute people who have abortions. They could make a national mania of locking people up and throwing away the keys. They could take away all civil rights and make freedom of speech a thing of the past. Moral police would walk the streets looking for offensive behavior. People could be locked up and tortured for years literally with no charges ever filed, let alone a trial of any kind. George W. Bush could be king for life.

After a period of time, say 25 years or so, we could see which country is better off. In terms of: jobs, wealth, technological growth, education scores, life expectancy, you know all the things that actually matter.

I wonder which country would best win a contest like that?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Basic Difference: Integrity

It is often stated that true personal integrity is doing the right thing when no one else is watching. I think the same rule of thumb can be used to tell how Democrats and Republicans really feel about serving the public …..after they get out of office that is…and there is nothing to gain. They all claim to want to “serve their country” when running of course. What better way to serve than to help non-profit organizations, when stepping down from the highest political offices in the country, to go into a useful retirement?

Going back to Richard Nixon, when he got out, in disgrace, he went into hiding. Little was seen or heard from him afterwards until his death. Let’s face it he was bitter, he should have been grateful for not being behind bars but whatever.

Spiro Agnew was a dirty as Nixon. He resigned and was disbarred from practicing law for his nolo contende plea, for taking bribes while in public office. When Nixon was asked why he kept Agnew on the ticket in 1972 he replied, “No assassin in his right mind would kill me." Ouch! Agnew retired to a job as an “international trade executive”.

Gerald Ford was the longest living US president, living to the ripe age of 93 despite a couple of assassination attempts. In addition he was the fifth president who was not elected, and the only one to have never won any national election of any kind, replacing Spiro Agnew when he was convicted of accepting bribery. After leaving the Whitehouse Ford joined the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank. He spent much of his retirement playing golf and making ceremonial appearances with Bob Hope.

Jimmy Carter still kicks ass to this day in terms of helping others. When released from the White House he went into being a key figure in Habitat for Humanity. The next year out of office he won the Nobel Peace Prize. Although evangelical Christians hate him, he taught Sunday school throughout his entire life. As an interesting aside check out the red-blue states in Carter’s election!!

Walter Mondale, carter’s VP, after running for president himself worked as Ambassador to Japan under Clinton.

Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease but not for a few years after he left even though he was clearly addled in office. His wife Nancy claimed he fell and hit his head on a horse ride in Mexico in 1989 five years after his White House stint. He did little of anything after that.

George Bush sr. Had a long political career, he was CIA director under Ford, and Vice President under Reagan. Then he finally got his foot in the door for four years and is primarily known for letting Saddam Hussein off the hook in the first Gulf War. Days before leaving office he pardoned six people convicted and doing time in the Iran-Contra affair. He has, since leaving the White House, participated in many ceremonies mostly commemorating some Republican event. On April 21, 2008 he caught a 134 pound tarpon and enjoys playing golf at private country clubs.

Dan Quayle was viewed as a political liability during his career after his vice-presidential debate with Lloyd Bentsen. He has written several books since his retirement about American values and staying strong while working as an investment banker and Chairman of Cerberus Capital Management. He lives in private gated communities like the “Yellow Stone Club” with Bill Gates as a neighbor. His charitable contributions to society cannot be found.

The Clintons are still in politics and seem to be a pair in whatever they do. While President Bill Clinton relied on his strong, educated wife for help and advice and now she appears to be doing the same. Many people have speculated on their marriage but they are still together and work closer together than many people who supposedly have good marriages. When Bill Clinton left office he had the highest approval rating since WW2. 55% of respondents said he still had something to offer and should stay in the public eye. This could be one reason the Republican candidates do so little after leaving office, they are not wanted.

Since leaving office Bill Clinton has been one of the organizers, along with Carter of the new Baptist Covenant. He has also had meetings at the UN regarding disease prevention in 2007, and the Ontario Economic Summit in 2007, regarding healthcare and environmentalism. Like the Clinton’s or hate them, you cannot call them lazy. Can you imagine them retiring to a life of golf and country clubs? I can’t.

Few can rival the hard work and recognition Carter has garnered since leaving office, but Al Gore can. Gore has actually worked harder and become better known around the world for his tireless work on global warming since leaving office. In 1992 his book “Earth in the Balance” was on the New York Times best seller list. Gore’s accomplishments are too many to fully list; in 2006 he was the main character in the film “An Inconvenient Truth”, which won an Academy Award for best documentary. In 2007 he won the Nobel Peace Prize and it goes on and on, his commitment to the people of America, serving his country and the world at large.

I don’t think it is even necessary to mention Cheny is it?

Now we have Georgie porgie Bush on deck. If I was a betting man, and I am, I would bet he will set new benchmarks of laziness and uselessness in his idle rich retirement. After all this is the man who during times of “emergency” due to terrorist attacks and the USA basically going bankrupt, took more vacation days than any other President in our history!

He is fairly young and he can expect a few years for the “historians to judge his presidency” as he always crows. But what will he do with all his new found idle time? Do you expect him to work hard to serve our country, to help out in this terrible time of need, or to sit and watch from his mansion with a smirk on his face at what he has wrought?

Gee I wonder.